
My teenage son wants to quit all sports
My teenage son wants to quit all sports

my teenage son wants to quit all sports

Just remember - I'm as full of crap as the next guy. I've seen it too much around here.), but they regret quitting too soon. People don't usually regret playing one season too many (burnout issues aside - and I will say that playing 12 months a year will burn them out. You need to find out what is driving this decision, but be careful that he doesn't do something he'll regret down the road. You may have to eat the money for the summer team though. At some point he's going to need gas money for a car, or money for dates, whatever. Heck, I don't know, work out some kind of deal with him for something he wants. Just try and get him through the spring season at school by hook or by crook. Sometimes kids need to work through things on their own, but sometimes they need parental advice and guidance. But it gets back to what we said above - there is something here that you don't know, something important. Teenagers sometimes exercise poor judgment and this may be one of those situations. Keewart above mentioned his son saying "why did you let me quit?" That is a thought I have had regarding my own father. He made the team and, so far, is very happy. But if you skip baseball tryouts, and all your buddies are on the team, I think you'll regret not playing." He agreed to give it a try. Track will ALWAYS be there - they always need warm bodies. I think if you play you'll find you have a great time.

my teenage son wants to quit all sports

A lot of your buddies are trying out for baseball. You played football with your buddies and had a great time. I'm not proud, but I did put the pressure on him, but only in this way "Are you sure? You've never played on the same team as all your school friends. He took the fall off for freshman football and was ready to quit baseball and run track. My youngest son has played pretty much every season for the past two years. A lot of the kids on the 12 year old Little League All Star Team have quit baseball. Yeah, I think I agree with the others, and with you, that there is something here that you don't know, something that is important to solving this problem. But he needs to know ( without pressure) that any more than that, and he can probably write off baseball aspirations. If that means losing a season, as painful as that can be, that's what needs to happen. He needs to find the passion within himself. This smells a bit of too much push from ? possibly the parent/s. "maybe he really does find baseball boring", etc. "I've pushed my kids in certain situations". There are several flags that suggest more to the story. But, like I said, there is a missing piece here. Make sure ramifications of quitting are reasonably understood. Something can be worked out with the summer team. Then, if you want to do something else, fine.

my teenage son wants to quit all sports

You have to know what it is.Īdditionally, I'm with HShuler… Always complete your commitment. If he told the coach he wanted to quit and the coach talked him out of it, there WAS a conversation that took place with the reason why he wanted to quit in the first place. There is something glaringly missing here. Is it possible he just has lost interest? Would you let your kid quit before even playing a game? Like I said, he is performing beautifully and the coaches like him. The entire off-season was without complaint or incident. I also don’t understand the 360 on baseball.

my teenage son wants to quit all sports

I asked him SEVERAL times about the summer team before committing so I am frustrated with him to say the least. So, WWYD? Would you let your kid off? He claims he’ll just pay us the money for the summer team, he doesn’t care. One further complication: he is committed to a summer team with a $1200 price tag. I figured that would put him out of his funk, but he’s still not happy. Tuesday he played his first scrimmage and was phenomenal. He was so determined to quit that he tried to do it on Monday but the coach talked him out of it. He announced on Sunday he doesn’t like it anymore and in typical teen fashion won’t provide any further detail. The coaches like him, he’s doing GREAT, he is probably one of the top underclassmen. My freshman son has been playing with the high school team since they started school in August.

My teenage son wants to quit all sports